Caprock Chronicles: The Last Rape Execution
Chuck Lanehart Represents Texas Tech Student Charged in Officer Death

Surviving Hurricane Harvey: Houston Lawyers and Others on the Ordeal

Colleges Urged to Handle Title IX Differently
Under Secretary of Education, Betsy Devos, Title IX no longer requires a preponderance of proof for evidence during student sexual assault charges. Although the preponderance of proof model is no longer required, it is still optional. Texas Tech has issued a statement that they won’t change how Title IX cases are handled. Read the full…
Fred Stangl Discusses Second Chance DWI in Texas
A new law that went into affect September 1st, 2017 gives some DWI offenders a second chance. Fred Stangl was interviewed by Fox34 to discuss how an individual convicted of a DWI can get their record sealed. As Stangl points out, not every DWI offender can get a sealed record, and this outcome is different…
Lanehart Interviewed on Bill of Rights
Lanehart’s Essay on First South Plains Homicide
Chuck Lanehart and Fred Stangl Read Declaration of Independence for July 4th.
The Legacy of Lubbock Lawyers from the Past
Compiled by Chuck Lanehart 100+ Years Ago Attorney W.F. Schenck went to Amarillo Tuesday to look after legal matters. Attorney Sam Merrell was here last week attending court. -The Lubbock Avalanche, June 27, 1912 75 Years Ago Judge Dillard gets a great kick out of thinking and talking about Mr. Tubbs, “the man who furnished…
Evolution of the Lubbock County Courthouse
Original Lubbock County Courthouse. “Uncle Tang” Martin, a disabled veteran of the Civil War, is seated before the original wood frame Lubbock County Courthouse, which was constructed at the center of the town square in1892. The square was actually rectangular in shape, one block wide and two blocks long, bounded by Cedar Street (now Texas…