Victory for Chuck Lanehart’s client on Rural Country Road

Chuck Lanehart’s client was stopped by a law enforcement officer for two reasons: (1) because she drove in the wrong lane of a rural country road, and (2) because the officer said he wanted to check on her welfare. The client was subsequently arrested for driving while intoxicated, but the DWI charge was dismissed when…
Fred Stangl Quoted in Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
Fred represented Lubbock’s former animal services director, who is looking forward to moving on with his life now that felony theft charges against him have been dismissed. Fred spoke to the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal about the changes his client made to improve his life. “This has been a tough and trying time for Kevin and his…
Chuck Lanehart was the featured speaker at recent Lubbock Area Bar Association meeting

Our very own Chuck Lanehart was the featured speaker at the June 8 meeting of the Lubbock Area Bar Association. Chuck gave a rousing and colorful speech to a packed house on “The History of Lubbock and the Law.” Big thanks to Mark Umstot for the great photos!
Independence Day
by Chuck Lanehart As the weather gets warmer, it’s a reminder that summer is coming soon, and with that, one of my favorite holidays, Independence Day. In recent years, I’ve been fortunate to be a part of what can now be called a movement: just before the July 4 holiday every year, I join local…
The Michael Morton Act Revisited
“The Michael Morton Act, Revisited,” was the featured article in the June issue of the Lubbock Law Notes, published by the Lubbock Area Bar Association. By Chuck Lanehart and Charles Blevins With considerable fanfare, the Michael Morton Act went into effect January 1, 2014, for offenses committed on or after that date. The Act, a…
Chuck Lanehart’s Team Wins AIC Program Award
It may look like a lowly bowling trophy, which originally it was, but this is actually a very valuable recycled piece of plastic: the inaugural award for Texas Tech University School of Law American Inns of Court (AIC) “Best Inn of Court Program” for 2015-2016. Chuck Lanehart and his team, Maryam Arastu, Professor Wendy Humphrey,…
The Legacy of Lubbock and the Law: December, 2015
Compiled by Chuck Lanehart 100+ Years Ago The Last Saloon “With the closing of the saloons in Amarillo last Wednesday night the last legalized saloon in the Texas Panhandle and the Plains discontinued business in compliance with the State laws and the wishes of the majority of the people of this section of the State.…
Lubbock County Still in Limbo, But Tarrant County Okays Bypass Badges
By Chuck Lanehart Almost a year ago, LABA and a coalition of local bar associations were set to pitch formally the Lubbock County Frequent Courthouse Visitors Badge Program (LCFCV) to the Lubbock County Commissioners. But on the eve of the presentation, Commissioners pulled the item from its agenda with a promise to “study the issue…
Victory in Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) case for Fred Stangl
Fred Stangl had a victory earlier this week. In a contested hearing in a DWI case, the judge threw out the only standardized field sobriety test administered by the investigating officer. After the hearing, the prosecutor dismissed the case altogether. Additionally, based upon the result of the hearing, the Texas Department of Public Safety abandoned…
Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl Contribute to Brendan Murray Scholarship
As an organization, the Lubbock Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (LCDLA) uses its annual party to raise money for the Brendan Murray Criminal Defense Endowed Scholarship. Brendan, tragically taken far too soon due to complications from knee surgery, was the son of Brian (an LCDLA member) and Lynne Murray. We are proud to contribute to LCDLA…