Fred Stangl Secures Probation for Lubbock Client Charged with Murder

Fred Stangl represented a defendant over the past 4+ years charged with murder. Today, the client received 10 years probation on the lesser-included-offense (LIO) of Manslaughter.

The Lubbock resident was accused of intentionally or knowingly shooting his girlfriend in the head in the front yard during an argument. After litigating the case over the last 4+ years, the prosecution finally agreed to drop the charge to Manslaughter (which means he acted recklessly, not intentionally or knowingly) and offer him probation. He has his life back, and he and his family are elated.

This isn’t the first time Chappell, Lanehart & Stangl have reduced a murder charge. In 2023, Chuck Lanehart’s client accepted a plea deal for manslaughter instead of a first degree murder conviction.

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