Fred Stangl Receives Praise from Client

Recently, a thank you letter arrived from Fred‘s client, who was facing 5 years to life in prison. Originally charged with aggravated assault, Fred and co-counsel Mark Hall litigated the case and settled for a four-year sentence to Possession of a Weapon in a Correctional Institution. Fred’s client is now immediately parole-eligible. Below is the letter from the client, we have removed personal information for privacy.

Dear Mr. Stangl and Mr Hall,

I hope this letter finds you in a good place. I just wanted to write & give my respect and thanks to both of you! I feel like the outcome on this matter was very acceptable and that my representation & best interest was met to the fullest. My parents are a good judge of character, and I was more than happy to have ou both represent me on this case.

Once again, if I ever do find myself or someone that I know ever needs representation, I will highly recommend you both to them. I just want to be paid my ‘finders fee’. Just kidding! Like I said, thank you both from me and my family. I will keep you updated on my situation like you asked. Thank you for your time & effort.

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