Attorneys Read Declaration of Independence for 4th

An annual tradition continued for Fred Stangl, Chuck Lanehart and other local criminal defense attorneys. A reading of the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights took place on the steps of the Lubbock County Courthouse on July 3rd to celebrate July 4th.

All across Texas, members of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA) organize and read documents that founded criminal justice in this country.

Criminal Defense Protects Your Rights

One of the most common questions we hear from the public as a criminal defense attorney, is why do you do what you do? Some may even question how we could represent a client guilty of the charges brought by prosecution.

For clients accused of a crime and in need of legal guidance, there is no need for an answer. After working with our firm, they experience first hand the passion we have for defending their rights. We make ourselves available to clients, prepare for trial and advocate on their behalf in trial, aiming for the best outcome to protect their freedom.

For the general public, July 4th is hopefully a reminder of the rights each of us has that can never be taken away. Criminal defense seeks to defend the rights of all citizens. Rights established in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments and foundation of the Constitution. Rights that led to a Declaration of Independence and a start to this great nation.

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