Criminal Attorneys Read the Declaration of Independence & Bill of Rights

In what has become an annual tradition, Chuck Lanehart and Fred Stangl joined the Lubbock Criminal Defense Lawyers Association in reading the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The two documents are the foundation of our nation’s criminal justice system.

The Declaration of Independence provided a separation of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain. While the American Revolutionary War was already happening by July 4th, 1776, the Declaration announced the birth of the United States.

The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Our nations Constitution is known as a “living document” meaning it can continue to be revised through a formal amendment process. The Bill of Rights provides a backdrop to law enforcement and extends core freedoms to all citizens. It continues to influence local, state and national decisions within Texas courts and the Supreme Court of the United States.

1. In 2021, The Supreme Court sided with a former high school cheerleader that her F-bombs on social media are a protected form of Free Speech, the first amendment.

2. An upcoming Supreme Court case will rule on the second amendment in New York, which restricts individuals from conceal carry of handguns.

3. Just recently, the Supreme Court ruled on the fourth amendment: police cannot enter a home without a warrant. Thus providing security and preventing unreasonable search and seizures during a hot pursuit, chase and other circumstances.

While many Americans celebrate the 4th of July with hot dogs and fireworks, attorneys in 120 counties of Texas celebrated with public readings of what makes our country free!

View the video below to see a preview of the reading and festivities.


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