Recent Results for Fred Stangl

Assault Case Dismissed

On March 1st, Fred Stangl’s case was dismissed for the charge: Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon. The client was accused of striking his wife with a motorized vehicle. Stangl maintained the incident was an accident and that she put herself in harm’s way. The client is not a U.S. citizen, but has been a legal resident (green card holder) for 30 years. However, any kind of plea deal could have resulted in deportation.

Domestic Violence Charge

Recently, attorney Stangl’s client was on parole and charged with felony Domestic Assault. Due to a prior criminal record, the client could have received 25 years to life. Instead, Stangl was able to secure probation on a misdemeanor assault, with parole reinstated.

Weapons Violations

A very common activity in Texas, is carrying a firearm on person or in a vehicle. Unfortunately, a prior felony conviction can result in a serious sentence of 25 years to life if found in possession of a weapon.

A client was recently charged with Felon in Possession of a Firearm. The police illegally searched the defendant and subsequently illegally searched the vehicle where a pistol was found. With Stangl’s interference, the prosecutor dismissed the charge.

Another weapons case involved a Felon in Possession of a Firearm offense. Facing a similar sentence, 25 years to life, Stangl advised a plea deal. Ultimately the charges were reduced to Attempted Felon in Possession of a Firearm and the defendant received time served in the county jail.

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