The Legacy of Lubbock and the Law

Compiled by Chuck Lanehart

100+ Years Ago

“Holbrook Trial for Killing Crosser Set for Today in Garza County Court: Wednesday south bound train bore a large number of Lubbock citizens as well as a big bunch from Crosby County who were going to Post City to attend court, being witnesses in the Holbrook case. Many went merely as friends of the defendant and for various reasons.

This case was transferred to Garza County by a change of venue last week the case was set for the 19th.”

“The defendant will be represented by. . . W.H. Bledsoe of Lubbock. . . This case will consume several days and will likely be a hard fought legal battle.”

-The Lubbock Avalanche, July 17, 1913

75 Years Ago

“Robbery Suspects Nabbed, Charged: Officialdom Friday night and Saturday struck what they hoped were damaging blows at recurring hijackings, burglaries and other felony offenses in Lubbock. They—the sheriff’s department, police and the district attorney’s office—insisted joint announcement late Saturday that. . . three persons had been charged with armed robbery in connection with the hijacking Tuesday night . . .”

-The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, December 1, 1960

50 Years Ago

“District Court Term is Opened: Judge E.L. Pitts impaneled a grand jury Monday in opening the September term in the 99th district court.

“Rev. Dr. O.P. Clark, district superintendent of Lubbock district of the Methodist church conducted a brief devotional service at the request of Judge Pitts. “Judge Pitts pointed out there were 39 cases filed against persons for investigations. He said the jury should investigate all cases of felonies and might do so with misdemeanors if they choose.”

-The Lubbock Morning Avalanche, September 3, 1940

25 Years Ago

“Defenders No Match for Prosecutors Under-Ware: In an exciting game which came down to the wire, the Lubbock Criminal District Attomey’s Office Softball team beat the Lubbock Criminal Defense Lawyers August 17th by a score of 12-11. Nicknamed ‘Prosecutors UnderWare’ a team which sported T-shirts adorned with pink polka-dotted boxer shorts, the victors overcame a late charge by the Defenders; whose T-shirts (designed by cartoonist Dirk West) featured a Prairie Dog holding  scales of justice while peeking from beneath its blindfold.”

“Prosecutors manager Mark Yokum, though criticized for using a number of suspected ‘fingers from outside law enforcement agencies’, was able to get excellent hitting and fielding from Luke Jordan, Ken Hawk, Tanya Northrup and Rebecca Williams. The Defenders were led by player-manager Jim Bob Darnell, whose injuries suffered in a violent center-field collision with Ed Price as both raced for a flyball left the team with a lack of leadership the last half of the game. Darnell was hampered by the Defender’s lack of power hitting and loose fielding, but saw courageous base-running by shortstop Everett Seymore, who was also aided by some generosity on the part of Umpire Pàula Lanehart.”

“The annual softball game marked the tenth played between the D.A.’s and defense lawyers, and the first time since 1980 that the prosecutors emerged victorious.”

—Lubbock Law Notes, September 1990


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